Using MyCar Locator

Using MyCar Locator is fairly simple.


To store a parking spot using your GPS location:

  • Simply press the “P” in the lower right-hand corner of your screen

If you do not have a GPS location available or if the GPS location seems wrong:

  • Double-tap on the map wherever you would like to drop the marker


After storing a parking spot you may choose to enter notes about where you parked such as parking spot number or garage level.

To store notes:

  • Choose the “Notes” option from the menu
  • Recording new notes will erase all previous notes


The parking timer automatically starts every time you park your car.

To see how long you have parked:

  • Choose the “Time Parked” option from the menu


MyCar Locator also provides walking directions through Google Maps to help you find your car in unfamiliar territory.

To access walking directions:

  • Choose the “Get Directions” option from the menu
  • If a GPS location is available you will be directed to Google Maps for your directions


To use many features of MyCar Locator you must have a GPS location available.  This means that the GPS status icon in your phone’s notification area must be SOLID and NOT BLINKING.

I can’t get a GPS position

  • Make sure you are outdoors with an unobstructed view of the sky
  • Make sure your phone’s GPS is turned on
    • From your home screen choose Menu>Settings>Location>Use GPS
  • Rarely, powering off the phone is needed to ‘reset’ the GPS

The compass points in the wrong direction

  • The compass points to your car in relation to the direction your phone is facing, not in relation to the blue dot on screen(does not point from blue dot to car, but from the direction you are facing to car).
  • Make sure your compass is calibrated
Posted in Apps, MyCar Locator | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

ChemiPal update

ChemiPal has been updated to version 2.0 today!   Improvements include:

  • A new snazzier look to make chemistry that much cooler
  • A more complete periodic table adding elements 113-118
  • A much smaller app size which means faster loading

Please check it out here on your android devices.

ChemiPal screenshot


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