With the recent release of Adobe Air for Android I decided that it was time to get to work on my first Flash game written for Android. Less than a week later, here it is! Mystery Number is now on the Android Market and available to all those lucky Android users running Froyo(2.2).
Mystery Number is a simple guessing game. The computer is thinking of a number between 1 and 100 and you have seven chances to guess that number, but the life of a Stick Man is in your hands! Use your 7 chances wisely, or else! This game tests basic math and logic skills. Plus it’s free, so get it now!
Recovering paid apps on your Android phone
I have been asked several times by users how to get a paid app back onto their phone after resetting the phone or deleting the app, so I have decided to make a post here to explain the process. If you have bought an app the Market ‘remembers’ that you have paid for it, making it easy to re-download if necessary.
To re-download an app you have already paid for on most android phones:
Simple as that. Please comment below if you have any questions, thanks!