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Category Archives: Apps
Table of Elements update
Table of elements had been updated today. The improvements include: App size cut by 70%, so you have more room on your phone for more apps Faster loading speed Added elements 113-118 for a truly complete periodic table Please check it out here on your android device.
Also posted in Table of Elements, updates
Tagged app, chemistry, periodic table
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NomadRobot’s first paid app was released today, so why haven’t you gotten it yet? ChemiPal includes the same Periodic Table as Table of Elements, and adds: Common constants and equations Important Polyatomic Ions Bohr model of the atom Electromagnetic Spectrum so please check it out at this link or scan the barcode below
Also posted in ChemiPal
Tagged android, app, bohr model, chemistry, droid, droid x, electromagnetic spectrum, elements, periodic table, polyatomic ion, x
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